" Atom WP- seven seven " 05 kg plastic bulk
Name: " Atom WP- seven seven " Is a type of plasticisizing and water reducing admixture to improve the quality of concrete.
Atom WP - seven seven can be used to produce high quality reinforced concrete by following proper usage rules.
# As a type of plasticisizing and water reducing admixture helps improve the quality of concrete.
# "Atom WP seven seven" can be used to produce high quality reinforced concrete by following proper usage rules.
# Can be used on all concrete structures exposed to water.
# Basement, Returning Wall, Embankment, or Dam, Water or Safety Tank,
# Swimming Pool ETP Plant, ETP Plant, Plaster, Kitchen, Bathroom Treatment
# Industrial floor, tunnel basement concrete and
# Any dam proping treatment can be used Atom WW p77.
# Stops water penetration by reducing hydro stick and capillary pores
# Increases the durability of buildings and other structures
# Prevents sulfate attack on concrete
# Shrinkage prevents cracking and helps in surface finishing
# Keeps the salt free from catching.
# Two hundred gm to Three hundred gm of "Atom WP - seven seven" should be used with each bag of cement
# "Atom WP - seven seven" dosage can also be determined according to the workability requirements of the concrete.
# "Atom WP - seven seven" is now available in five kg, ten kg and twenty kg, plastic bulk.
Warehouse varieties and self-life:
# "Atom WP - seven seven" has a shelf life of twenty four months, should be stored in a dry place away from sunlight and high temperatures.
# After use, wash your face well and store in a dry place.